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Green Coriander Chutney Recipe | Healthy Indian Dip

Chutney also referred to as Chatney or Chatni is one of main Indian dip severed with a variety of foods. This is prepared with a little variation across India. Green coriander chutney is one of the healthiest dip and is used often in Indian cuisine as a side with snacks, sandwiches and starters. Besides this, it is served as a taste enhancer with a lot of main course too. This not only adds taste to the main dish but also enhances the aroma and nutrition.

Dry coriander is used as a spice in Indian Cuisine. Coriander has numerous health benefits. During this covid-19 pandemic times when getting things from the market is not risk free, I recommend having your own kitchen garden. Coriander can be grown in small post next to your kitchen windows.

Below is the video recipe. So without much further ado. Let us begin.

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Here is the video recipe.


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Green Coriander Chutney
Prep Time 15 Minutes
Prep Time 15 Minutes
  1. Pluck and Rinse coriander and mint leaves. Wash & drain them well.
  2. Chop the chilies into big pieces.
  3. Add all the ingredients, except lemon juice & salt, to a blender or mixer jar. Grind the mixture till you get a paste of thick consistency.
  4. Add salt, lemon juice to your taste and run the mixture in the blender or grinder jar for a few second to mix the paste with salt and lemon juice.
  5. Serve in small bowls along with your snacks and starters.
Recipe Notes

The chutney can be served with mutton biryani, chicken biryani & a range of South Indian Dishes also. Vinegar soaked, sliced onions make an amazing add-on with the Chutney

Note: Dhaniaya or Coriander is also referred to as Cilantro. Cilantro is the Spanish word for coriander leaves.

Contact Chef: Sugandha Mathur



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