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How to Make Eggless Coffee Bean Cookies | Cookie Recipes | Eggless Baking

These cookies are also called the Coffee Bean Biscuits or Coffee Butter Cookies. These delectable bite-sized Coffee Bean Cookies are the perfect partners for your morning coffee or to snack a handful during the day. It’s a true coffee lover’s dream.

If you have a sweet tooth for coffee dessert and cookies, you are going to love these cookies. They taste as good as they look. These cookies will give you an enticing blast of crisp coffee flavor with every bite you take. Coffee Bean Cookies have the texture of a soft biscuit or shortbread texture, packed with a rich coffee flavor and a slight hint of chocolate. This touch of chocolate comes from cocoa powder. Thus also referred to as Chocolate Coffee Cookies.

To give the coffee flavour, I have used Nescafe. You can use a coffee of your choice. The taste & bitterness will depend upon the quantity of coffee used. These Eggless Coffee Bean Cookies are super easy to make and you can brag about them with your friends. This Coffee Cookies Recipe requires All Purpose Flour (Maida), Sugar, Butter, Some Coffee, Cocoa Powder, a little hot milk & corn flour. To bake these you would need an oven (OTG)

If you like coffee desserts then this Eggless Coffee Bean Recipe is for you.

So without Much Further Ado Let us Begin.


Hereunder is the YouTube Video Recipe for Coffee Bean Cookie Recipe.

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Coffee Bean Shaped Cookies
Baking is an art & this recipe definitely proves it. Follow this easy step by step guide to bake these coffee bean shaped cookies at home.
Coffee Bean Cookies Alternate Image
Course Desserts
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Cook Time 20 Minutes
Course Desserts
Prep Time 10 Minutes
Cook Time 20 Minutes
Coffee Bean Cookies Alternate Image
  1. To bake cookies preheat oven at 180 degrees for 10 minutes.
  2. Add ½ cup butter to a mixing bowl & add half cup powdered sugar to it. Whisk with electric beater till the mixture becomes fluffy, creamy and light. This would take approx. 5 minutes. This process called creaming method.
  3. After creaming add 1.5 Tspn coffee powder and 1 Tbsp hot milk to this mixture. Mix well to dissolve coffee & milk in the sugar butter mixture. Choose the brand of your coffee & the quantity as per your taste.
  4. After mixing the coffee & milk add 3 Tbsp. cocoa powder and mix it for about 20-25 seconds.
  5. After Step3 add corn flour and mix it well.
  6. After mixing corn flour finally add 1 cup all-purpose flour & mix all-purpose flour with spatula till it become soft dough. This would take around a minute or so.
  7. After mixing nicely with spatula knead with hands to get a soft and smooth dough. Our cookie dough is ready.
  8. Lay parchment paper according to the shape and size of baking tray.
  9. To shape cookies we will use fixed size spoon to ensure all cookies are of the same size. Spoon size will depend upon how large or how small you want the cookies to be.
  10. Take a small portion of dough with the spoon. Take dough in hand from the spoon and roll in oval shape rolling the dough ball between your hands. Rolling will smoothen the dough ball and this ensures good shape after baking.
  11. After rolling place the dough ball on the baking tray. Similarly roll & shape the rest of the cookies. Because they expand while baking place them 1 inch apart from each other in all directions.
  12. After placing all the cookies on the tray, using a knife and with a slight pressure, give one slit in the center of the cookies to make them look exactly like coffee beans.
  13. The oven would be preheated by now. After preheating the oven, place the baking tray in the oven & bake the cookies at 180 degrees for 18-20 minutes.
  14. Cookies are soft after baking thus after baking the cookies let them cool down to room temperature. They become crunchy and crispy after cooling down.
  15. After cooling down, our cookies are ready to be served. Enjoy them with coffee or serve them as
Recipe Notes

Contact Chef: Payal Jethani

Tips:  Use a good brand cocoa powder and coffee.

Served With: Vanilla Ice Cream, Coffee or serve them as dessert.



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