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From the Editors Desk

“We received a letter from one of our readers. We are publishing the below article as sent by the reader. The reader wanted us to publish the series of his write ups. After a discussion with the reader we thought you all should read it too. We are publishing it in the News Section. till the time we create a category for readers articles.”


As Received on 1st of June 2020.

It is very clear that COVID-19 or Corona Virus has reshaped the world in a million different ways. Some of them are positive and some are negative. The truth is that as we speak, the world tends to feel the negative side of COVID-19 much more than anything else at present with a bleak future of recovery.

Fast-growing mortality rate and infection spreading at the speed of light are alarming Crying Globe Maskas per the World Health Organization. The worst part is that there is no hope for any vaccine or a promising drug anytime soon, even though we read almost on a daily basis about how close we are to a vaccine or newly developed drugs. The hope of cure seems at a far Horizon, causing depression and anxiety among the population. This has given birth to social problems like depression, suicide, violence, looting and several others, making it difficult to deal with such issues on a daily basis.


The entire world is  in the state of denial. Whether it is businesses, Covid Vaccinestock markets, hospitals, banks or schools. Everyone is struggling to find a way around it. Everyone is trying to afloat this horrific Tsunami of crisis. All this has created a darker truth that nothing is stable anymore and nothing is going to be normal for a long time. Yes, long time, not 2 months, not eight months not one year. It will take at least two years before we see things normalize as. It would not be out of place to mention that the financial sector may take more anywhere between two to five years to get back to normal. This analysis is purely based on dynamics of past pandemics.


The solution to any problem is found within the problem itself. Acknowledging the truth and accepting it as a reality without denial is the first step in solving this problem. From Health to Finance, there are unsolvable issues with all countries struggling to rectify and fill up the broken gaps. Innovation is already starting to kick in and people are getting ready to face the upcoming repercussions of this pandemic with whatever they have. Optimism, with the acceptance of reality and strength, to fight is the key to survival. Yes, Survival is the only solution to the problem right now with an extreme focus on health.


Good health is like the key weapon to fight this unseen enemy and surviving the next two years is exactly the need of the hour. The reason why you should believe this article is because ours was the first business in India to shut down which was on 8th March 2020. There was also an email, written on 31st January, warning the mother company to shut down business indefinitely if the infection spreads when the entire country was sleeping peacefully. We were all stocked up along with medication and preventive measures, simply because we could foresee what’s was coming. It was not rocket science, it was just a pattern or sequence of events emerging in other countries. All we had to do was to decode & decide, before it unfolded in reality.


Well, we have discussed the hidden truth and acknowledged it which is the first part towards a solution. We assure you in the next article, we will give practical and problem-solving solution on all categories as per the requirement of all income and different age groups. In the meantime, feel free to email us with your queries.

To be Continued……

Email the Writer


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4 thoughts on “THE UNSAID TRUTH BEHIND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC | Series Post-01

  1. Oh it’s scary
    Two years it’s a shit long time bro
    It’s sad to understand that India knew it is coming but we acted as an ostrich
    Love to read more on what you think solutions are..
    Keep writing/ sharing

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