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India Ignites Pre-eminent Anti-Satellite Projectile System Mission Named “Shakti”

Speaking to the Nation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi affirmed that India has blasted a low revolving satellite through a missile experiment that puts the nation in the space Super League.

India transmits its first anti-satellite ASAT projectile test however reiterated that the experiment did not change its compact against the weaponization of outer space.

Prime Minister declared that India has now converted the fourth country amongst America, Russia & China.

Mission Shakti


Mr. Modi also asserted by a televised address to the Nation that “This is a delighted moment for India & Indians” while speaking to media he also said that the experiment does not breach any global arbitration.

Mr. Modi told that the ASAT projectile will give power to India’s Space Programme. He then reassured the global alliance that India’s ability won’t be used on anyone but it will solely be used in India’s defense initiative for its salvation.

The Mission Shakti has given exceptional capabilities to our Modern security:

DRDO & ISRO Scientists reported that the ASAT ammunition is amongst the most complicated tests taken out by India & can be counted even more superior than the advancement of submarine-launched ammunition system which was the latest invention in Indian projectile technology.

Current Surgical Strike In Air

An Obsolete satellite blasted by DRDO & ISRO generated ballistic projectile interceptor missile.

The satellite was at a maximum of 300km above, was hunted with sensors that then validated the kill.

  • It also Exhibits the Indian capacity to identify the victim & slay space objects
  • The analysis ground-based interceptor weapon units based at Balasore trial range.
  • Establishment came into permanence in 2016 & analysis brought out in 2017 and February this year
  • The Trial accommodated in a quieter environment to assure that there is no space trash.
  • Whereby, Interceptor weapon quickly hit the sputnik using dynamic energy to slay the victim.

Tracing the data from the array, sensors have proved that the charge met all goals scoring Hit to kill system that rolled out as an efficient way to hit off a spy-in-the-sky.

The Mission Shakti gave trustworthy deterrence upon intimidations to space-based assets from way range missiles.

India has actively experimented the ASAT missile, a pleased significance for all Indian on the completion of Mission Shakti.



2 thoughts on “India Ignites Pre-eminent Anti-Satellite Projectile System Mission Named “Shakti”

  1. Sulabh, Modi is the game changer PM for India. He is sensible with well-directed aggression he had shown to the world.

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