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Corona Virus Update | Two types of Coronavirus discovered

Chinese scientists who have been closely studying the deadly Coronavirus Outbreak, discovered two distinct types of coronavirus that could be causing substantial infections world-wide.

Chinese Researchers discovered two strains of Coronavirus

According to the latest corona Virus update, researchers at the Peking University’s School of Science & Institut Pasteur of Shanghai said that they have found two types of coronavirus – a more aggressive strain & a less aggressive one.

While the more aggressive strain of the novel Coronavirus accounts for 70% of the scrutinized strains, the less aggressive accounts for rest 30%.

They further stated that the more aggressive strain was prevalent during the initial stage of the Coronavirus Outbreak in December 2019 in the Chinese city Wuhan, the epicenter of this deadly infection. However, its prevalence is suspected to have decreased since early January.

The analysis by the Chinese researchers indicates the development of new variations of the COVID-19 as spike in Coronavirus cases are observed. However, they have asked not to draw any firm conclusions as it is a preliminary research.

These findings strongly support an urgent need for further immediate, comprehensive studies that combine genomic data, epidemiological data, and chart records of the clinical symptoms of patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),” the researchers said.

Coronavirus Types discovered

A professor & expert in infection and immunity at Britain’s Leeds University, Stephen Griffin said, “It’s difficult to confirm studies like this without a direct side-by-side comparison of pathogenicity and spread in, ideally, an animal model, or at least a greatly extended epidemiological study”.

The analysis by the Chinese Researchers surfaced to light after the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that over 3,100 people succumbed to the deadly Coronavirus & around 93,000 have been rendered infected globally.

While a huge percentage of the cases have been reported from the China’s mainland, new infections from overseas keep adding to the list. According to the WHO, the Coronavirus Epidemic has reached to around 70 countries.

Common Symptoms of Coronavirus in humans includes sneezing, running nose, cough, sore throat, fever & breathing issues. Coronavirus infection can lead to worst case of pneumonia & ultimately death.

While cure to this deadly Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome is still obscure, treatments include self-care. To avoid potential Coronavirus infection, one can take certain precautionary measures.

Read more about what Coronavirus is, how it spreads & possible preventive measures. 

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